October 10-13
I didn't do too much my last day in Melbourne. I walked around Melbourne University pretending like I went there. I went into the library to use the free internet (when I found out Katie Bibb is engaged, CONGRATS!!!) I was able to use it for quite a while, no problems. Then, all the power randomly went out and it was pitch black dark in there. Since I had only stepped foot on the campus hours before, I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to find my way out. But everyone seemed pretty calm and someone announced that the lights would be on soon. I followed some people out and it was just fine. That night I took a train this time to get to Sydney, just to mix things up, since I rode a bus last time. I would say they were equally (un)comfortable because I didn't spring for the sleeper car. Because there are more seats in a train there is a better chance of being able to find a few unoccupied (I found four facing eachother mid-night which was nice) but also because there are more seats there is a better chance of there being people who think they need to stay up talking all night or crying babies (both of which I sat near). All in all, I made it to Gentry's Thursday morning without any problems. I just napped, grocery shopped, and did laundry until it was time to go up to church for "Encounterfest".
Then all day today we've been up at the church listening to speakers. I went to hear this Zambian guy from South Africa speak who wrote a book called "Leading like Madiba" about Nelson Mandela and he works with Oxfam's AIDS charity, so that was all really interesting to me. Thats about it. Tomorrow we go to a high school to help restore it (or something like that), they are calling it a "social justice project", I think it should be really great.
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